Why does Chit Chats refund old postage?

If you noticed a postage refund request on your shipment that you didn’t request, we may have refunded the postage on your behalf.

Postage refunds are automatically initiated for older shipments on the Chit Chats platform to prevent stale postage. There are two reasons for doing this:

  • Carriers recycle their old tracking numbers frequently which can prevent Chit Chats from receiving active shipments using the same tracking number

  • Prevents you from missing out on receiving a credit for your unused postage

If you have created postage for a shipment but do not plan on sending it, we recommend that you request a postage refund. However, if we have not received your shipment and no postage refund was requested, an automatic refund will be initiated for your USPS shipments after a period of 90 days.

If your postage has been automatically refunded, you do not need to take any further action. Postage refunds take time to be approved by the carrier or postage provider. Once the refund request has been approved, you will see the postage cost return to your account as credits.

If you still wish to send the shipment, you will need to create new postage. You can do this quickly by duplicating the refunded shipment.