Adding Chit Chats Insurance to your shipments is quick and easy. In fact, all fully tracked postage purchased on the Chit Chats platform is by default opted into Chit Chats Insurance. This means you never have to worry about forgetting to add insurance to your shipments! 

While we strongly recommend adding insurance to all of your eligible shipments, Chit Chats Insurance can be added or removed for specific shipments. You also have the option to opt out of insurance for your shipments on an account level. This means that you will need to manually add Chit Chats Insurance to each shipment as you require it.

Important! When your shipments are not insured, you agree to waive any claim to refunds or reimbursement for lost or damaged goods, whether the loss or damage occurred before or after Chit Chats receives them.

Adding Chit Chats Insurance to individual shipments

To add Chit Chats Insurance when creating individual shipments, click on New Shipment and complete the shipment details as you normally would. When you select an insurable postage type, a section on Chit Chats Insurance will appear above your shipment summary.

To insure your shipments, make sure you select Yes, I want Chit Chats Insurance. You will see the cost of the insurance reflected in the summary. Unchecking this box will remove Chit Chats Insurance from your shipment and the total cost of the shipment. 

Adding Chit Chats Insurance via CSV import

If you import your shipments using Chit Chats CSV, you will need to use the correct CSV template to add insurance to your shipments. Insurance cannot be added using other CSV templates as only postage purchased on the Chit Chats platform can be insured.

Insurance can be included or excluded using the insurance_requested field (column X). If you would like to add insurance to your shipment, you will need to indicate ‘yes’ in this column and ‘no’, if not. Please note that requesting insurance for ineligible postage types will cause the import to fail.

Alternatively, if this column is left blank during import, insurance will default to the preference indicated in your account settings, if the shipment is eligible.

Adding Chit Chats Insurance via API

If you create shipments using our API, adding insurance to shipments is very similar to the CSV import. Insurance can be included or excluded using the insurance_requested parameter. Indicate ‘true’ to include insurance for your shipments and ‘false’ to exclude. Please note that requesting insurance for ineligible postage types will produce an error.

Adding Chit Chats Insurance via store integrations

If you import your shipments using one of our store integrations insurance can be included or excluded for your shipments using our Bulk Import Editing and Shipment Import Presets features or you can choose to default to your insurance settings by leaving this field blank. Again, requesting insurance for ineligible postage types will cause the import to fail.